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Pagecloud website builder
Digital Marketing

4 Landing Page Conversion Hacks [Based on Psychology]

Philip Westfall, April 30 2018

The Psychology of the Landing Page.To maximize conversions from a landing page, you need to understand how the visitors you're trying to connect with actually make decisions.Wha...


How to Spot Fake Influencer Accounts in 2018 [Expert Tips]

Lauren Olson, February 1 2018

An influencer can be powerful for your brand - but only if you choose wisely.Consumers expect and demand authentic experiences from brands - ones they support, and ones they mig...

Digital Marketing

Solved - Best Image Format for the Web? PNG, JPG, GIF, and SVG.

Philip Westfall, January 23 2018

Visual content is the “secret weapon” when you’re trying to communicate with your audience online, whether you’re building a gorgeous website, educating with an infographic, or ...

Digital Marketing

Instagram Aesthetics: 7 Pro Tips to Stand Out & Increase Followers

Lauren Olson, January 10 2018

“So, are you on Instagram?” Years ago, knee deep at a networking event, you probably wouldn’t expect to field questions about your presence on a photo sharing app... But, it’s 2...

Product Updates

Top 15 Tech Blogs and Sites - How New Tech Will Grow Your Business

Philip Westfall, January 5 2018

Do you love new technology?We do!As a tech startup, we’re always talking about the latest and greatest apps, gadgets, and companies.Whether you're in a tech career or not, you s...


Start Your Freelance Photography Career With An Online Portfolio

Lauren Olson, December 14 2017

You've got the camera. You took the classes. You’ve shot a few portraits. You’re getting amazing feedback from your first clients, and now you’re ready to start moving into a fr...

Product Updates

YouTube vs Dailymotion vs Vimeo - How should you video?

Jules Ribi, December 8 2017

Here's what you need to know about three most popular video hosting platforms so you can easily decide for yourself!Note: Information below is always subject to change as these ...

Digital Marketing

5 Ways to Build Trust with Your Website's Visitors

Henry Brown, November 20 2017

As much as we might wish it wasn’t true, first impressions are crucial to any relationship. Getting off on the wrong foot with someone can be disastrous, and asking too much of ...

Product Updates

11 Free Tools To Help Choose Colors For Your Website

Lauren Olson, November 17 2017

Claude Monet famously said “Color is my day-long obsession, joy and torment.”If you’ve ever felt this way trying to pick the right hue for your new toolbar or call-to-action but...


The easy way to make a custom 404 page

Philip Westfall, November 13 2017

Once upon a time, in the early days of websites, the majority of 404 pages were not very attractive. Some people even called them ugly.The 404 page had one job: inform visitors ...
