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Digital Marketing

How To Get More Reviews on Google [Top 4 Strategies Explained]

Philip Westfall, August 24 2017

Suppose you're hungry, but you don’t know what to eat.What would you do?You’d probably head over to Google and type in “restaurants”.Instantly, you see a map displaying restaura...


How to analyze search performance (SEO) like a pro.

Philip Westfall, August 18 2017

So, you’ve started to apply SEO best practices to your content marketing strategy, and now you want to know what type of performance you’re getting. Let’s break down a few tools...

Digital Marketing

Top 3 SEO Hacks that ACTUALLY Work

Philip Westfall, July 19 2017

There is no such thing as a stand-alone SEO hack that gets you ranking on Page 1 for a high-volume keyword. Without a doubt, you have to put in some time and effort into your SE...

Digital Marketing

These 5 SEO Myths are Wasting You Time AND Money

Philip Westfall, July 13 2017

Have you been falling for quick-fix myths, and finding your SEO and your business is suffering because of it? In most cases, SEO myths stem from ongoing changes within Search En...

Digital Marketing

Personal Branding 101 for Creatives Focused on Good Work

Lauren Olson, July 12 2017

We all know the loudmouth.They jabber on, talking at people, and trying finesse deals. While they can produce results, they lack style. Unfortunately, that’s the type of activit...


How to Write a Home Page that Gets Customers

Lauren Olson, July 11 2017

Every single business is touched by the internet. Thanks to changing consumer behavior and our electronic infrastructure, even the most quiet hot dog stand could have a Yelp rev...

Design & UX

Why Graphics, Not Just Photos, Matter For Your Website

Henry Brown, July 6 2017

You scroll down your feed, bored. Your thumb has a mind of its own. It skips the stock photos you’ve seen more than you care to count, and the text-only statuses. And then you s...


5 Things You Should Do Before Starting a Business

Henry Brown, June 29 2017

You've got  a business idea.You want to turn your passion for dogs into a dog-walking business. You’ve fixed enough of your family’s and friend’s computers to start charging oth...


How to take better website photos using your smartphone

Lauren Olson, June 22 2017

In a classic study of how people read on the web, the Nielsen Norman Group discovered that 79 percent of respondents “always scanned any new page they came across; only 16 perce...

Digital Marketing

9 Business and Website Metrics You Should Be Tracking

Lauren Olson, June 16 2017

Metrics are indicators to help you to understand how your business, or your website, is performing. You can regularly check on these metrics through a dashboard, a place where y...
