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Pagecloud website builder



Get actionable insights, expert opinions, and how to's on mastering digital marketing and growing your online presence.

Learn how to amplify your website online with expert tips. Maximize your online presence, engage with your audience more effectively, and convert leads into loyal customers. Stay updated with the latest marketing trends to ensure your business stands out from the competition.

Digital Marketing

Building Brand Authority in a Competitive Marketplace

In today's crowded marketplace, creating a highly trusted brand is more challenging than ever. With endless options available and consumers who are more educated and discerning, standing out requires more than just offering a great product or service. Establishing brand authority is crucial to gain and maintain consumer trust and

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Insights & Interviews, Digital Marketing

Chats with Marketing Leaders: Defining and Refining Website Goals

This week we sat down with Manuela Bàrcenas, Head of Marketing at, the top rated AI meeting management software, to discuss goal setting and aligning website goals with high-level business objectives. Manuela is a marketing wiz when it comes to creating content and campaigns that drive demand for product! Manuela gave us great insight...

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Digital Marketing

Defining Website Goals: What Exactly is a Website Conversion?

In the field of digital marketing, the term "website conversion" gets thrown around a lot. But what exactly does it mean, and why is it important for your business? Let's break it down in simple terms. A website conversion is the term used for when someone visits your website and completes a desired action. This could be anything from making a...

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Digital Marketing

Top Website Goals to Grow Online and How to Achieve Them

Is your website working hard enough for your business? Launching a website is sometimes not enough; you have to continuously use your website to drive your business goals. Whether you’re looking to get more visitors, keep them engaged, or turn them into loyal customers, setting the right goals for your website can make all the difference. In this...

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Design & UX, Digital Marketing

Exit Intent Popups: Guide to Creating an Effective Exit Popup that Converts

So you've heard you should implement a popup strategy on your website, but you're not sure where to get started. Exit intent popups are one of the most effective tools to capture the attention of users about to leave your site. When done correctly, these popups can significantly lower bounce rates and increase conversions. Here’s a comprehensive...

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Design & UX, Digital Marketing

Designing Effective Popups: Best Practices and Tips

When designed effectively, popups can be a powerful tool for increasing website conversions. A great popup boosts engagement, turning visitors into customers. But how can you ensure you're using popups effectively on your website? The secret to a great popup is simple: sticking to popup best practices in your design. By putting user experience...

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Product Updates, Digital Marketing

Alternatives to Unbounce: Must try landing page builders

The key to effective marketing campaigns is creating killer landing pages that actually get results. But finding the right tool to make those pages can be a bit overwhelming. One of the most popular landing page builders on the market today is Unbounce, but there are many other builders that might better suit your specific needs. We'll take a...

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Digital Marketing

What should you track on your website? Top 10 website metrics

In today's digital era, having a website is no longer a luxury, it's a necessity. Whether you're a multinational corporation or a small local business, a well-maintained website can be your ticket to a larger market, increased sales, and exponential growth. However, just having a website isn't enough, you need to understand how your site is...

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Tutorials, Digital Marketing

The Key Components of a Landing Page: Getting Started Guide

Are you looking to convert your site visitors into loyal customers or subscribers? If your answer is a resounding YES, then this blog post is for you. Landing pages – you've heard about them, you've seen them, and you may have even designed a few. But do you know the key components that make a landing page truly successful? Let's dive into the...

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SEO, Digital Marketing

Drive Traffic to your Landing Page: Organic, Paid, and Social Strategies

Is your landing page not getting the results you'd like? Wondering how you can improve traffic and get more qualified leads? The secret lies in well-executed marketing strategies that include organic methods, paid ads, and social media engagement. In this article, we'll delve into the tactics you need to boost your landing page traffic

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Product Updates, Digital Marketing

Boost your website performance with Pagecloud Analytics!

We're so excited to announce the release of Pagecloud Analytics: providing you with valuable insights into your users' behavior on your website. By understanding your audience's preferences, you can make informed decisions about your website design, content strategy, marketing campaigns, and much more. In this blog post, we'll introduce Pagecloud...

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Tutorials, SEO, Digital Marketing

Leverage AI for Exceptional Website Content: A Comprehensive Guide

As the digital landscape becomes increasingly competitive, businesses and individuals need to find innovative ways to create captivating and effective content for their websites. One such solution is the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into content creation and optimization

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Tutorials, SEO, Digital Marketing

Get found online: How to increase your website's visibility and get more users

The internet is a vast and ever-growing place, and getting your website found online can be a daunting task. With so much competition, it’s important to make sure that your website stands out and is easily found by potential customers. Let's take a look at some of the most effective ways to get your Pagecloud website found online, and how your...

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Product Updates, Digital Marketing

Introducing Design Sidekick: a Chrome extension by Pagecloud

The team at Pagecloud is so excited to announce the release of Design Sidekick! Design Sidekick is a Chrome extension that finds colors, fonts, and styles used on any webpage, making it easier than ever to inspire your website design, build your brand kit, and manage your SEO. Read on to learn more about using Design Sidekick, or install Design...

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What are Meta Tags? Guide using SEO Meta Tags on your Website

As a website owner, one of the most important things you can do to improve your website’s visibility and ranking within search engines is to use SEO meta tags. There are many ways to improve your site ranking, but starting with your SEO meta data is a crucial and easy first

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How to add Open Graph tags to your website

In the age of searching, sharing, and embedding, Open Graph tags are crucial for the best representation of your website through social media sites. Content marketing is likely a huge part of your online marketing strategy, so it’s important that your URLs, such as blog posts and landing page URLs, are eye-catching when shared through social...

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Design & UX, SEO

How to Find the Best Keywords for your Website

We take search engines like Google for granted as they are part of our everyday internet use. We can look up any topic and usually find what we're looking for in just a couple of seconds. However, getting your website to rank highly in search can be a tricky task, but it's an important part of your search engine marketing. Targeting keywords...

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Digital Marketing

7 Most Effective Ways to Promote Your Website and Get Customers [2022]

If you want your website to get you customers (not just visits), you’ve come to the right place. In this guide, we will cover the 7 most effective ways to promote your website without an extensive budget or previous marketing experience. The best part? Each strategy is: Let’s get

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Digital Marketing

Web Terminology 101: What You Need to Know [with Illustrations]

The first step in becoming a website expert is understanding the fundamental terminology related to the Web. Why is this important? Well, once you grasp these important definitions, good things start to happen: You can have two-way conversations with Web designers and developers which can lead to cost savings as well as better decision-making.

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Design & UX, Tutorials, Digital Marketing

How to Design a Website: Beginner's Guide

Are you designing a website for the first time? Not sure how to get started? Look no further! This guide gives you all the resources you need to build a great looking website! Whether you need a website for your small business, your art, or just for fun, you can find everything you need to get started.

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Build popups and banners that convert more customers. Embed on any website.

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Build your storefront, manage your inventory, and grow your sales. Sell products, services, and more.

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