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Pagecloud website builder
Image of a popup from the Dscovr design kit. The DSCOVR Design Kit is your digital toolkit for inspiring wanderlust and excitement from the first online interaction.

Boost Your Travel Business with the DSCOVR Travel-Themed Design Kit for Popups and Banners

Welcome your clients to a world of adventure and exploration before they book their first trip with our travel-themed Design Kit, DSCOVR. Tailored for the travel and tourism industry, this collection of popups and banners digitally complements the vibrant, explorative experiences your business offers.

Bringing the Travel Experience Online

The DSCOVR Design Kit is your digital toolkit for inspiring wanderlust and excitement from the first online interaction.

Imagine popups that sweep across the screen, revealing exclusive travel deals, destination tips, and customized travel recommendations. Envision banners that transform your website into a portal of discovery, featuring captivating images, dynamic color schemes, and the allure of unknown destinations.

The Power of Popups in the Travel Industry

Popups serve as an essential bridge between your travel services and your clients. They grab attention, direct the customer journey, and boost engagement, ensuring your visitors are both informed and captivated.

With thoughtful design and messaging, popups can turn a simple website visit into a travel booking, proving to be a pivotal tool in your marketing arsenal.

How to Utilize Popups and Banners for Your Travel-Based Business

Popups and banners can be creatively leveraged to meet various business goals. Here are some key strategies:

  • Exclusive Travel Deals & Offers: Use popups to spotlight unique travel packages, limited-time offers, or early bird discounts that prompt action.
  • Membership Sign-Ups: Design banners to showcase the benefits of joining your travel community, offering members exclusive deals and insights.
  • Event and Destination Highlights: Utilize popups to feature exciting travel events, destination spotlights, or themed tours, sparking interest and bookings.
  • Travel Tips & Guides: Share insightful travel advice, destination guides, or travel stories through banners, positioning your business as a travel authority.
  • Special Promotions for Occasions: Craft compelling popups for holiday seasons or special occasions, promoting the perfect getaway deals or gift cards for travel enthusiasts.

Versatility Across All Popup Types

The DSCOVR Design Kit offers a wide range of popup types to suit every need and elevate every aspect of your website.

From discreet Slide-ins and Side Panels that enrich your content, to impactful Full Screen Popups and Horizontal Panels that seize your audience's attention, this kit covers every base. Including Modals and Banners, it provides a diverse mix of formats to convey urgency, discovery, and inspiration, all while aligning with your brand's aesthetic and enhancing the user experience.

So, what will you create for your travel website? Try Pagecloud Popups and explore the DSCOVR Design Kit to quickly and effortlessly bring your travel-themed popups and banners to life.

Tailored for Any Vertical or Brand (needs copy update)

While the essence of our SPA Design Kit is inspired by the tranquility and serene beauty of spa and wellness centers, its foundational design principles are universal. This means you can effortlessly adapt and customize the templates to fit any vertical or brand.

Whether you're in the realm of hospitality, retail, healthcare, or any other industry, the flexibility of our design elements allows you to convey your unique brand message and engage with your audience in the most effective way.

Our aim is to provide a versatile foundation upon which your brand can build a striking, memorable online presence that resonates with your target audience, regardless of your industry.

So, with all of that in mind, what will you create for your website? Give Pagecloud Popups a try and leverage the SPA Design Kit to bring your popups and banners to life quickly and easily.

Created by

Pagecloud Design Team

DSCOVR templates

It’s easy to get started

No code required, easy to setup and we’re here to help you along the way.


Choose a template 🙌

Save time by choosing a popup template that fits your needs. All templates are easy to customize.


Make it yours 🎉

Setup how, when and where you want your popup to display then customize the design to fit your brand.


Publish 🚀

Publish your popup onto your Pagecloud or other website then watch your analytics (and conversions!) roll in.

Popup features ->

Frequently asked questions

  • How do I get started with Pagecloud Popups?

    Currently Pagecloud Popups are in Beta and are available for all Pagecloud website users who opt-in to our beta program. Sign up to be notified when we officially launch!

  • How to build a Pagecloud Popup?

    Building a popup in Pagecloud is simple! You can drag and drop content, click to edit, and publish without code.

  • How to publish a Pagecloud Popup?

    You can choose where your popup should display on your website. This includes which page(s) and how the popup triggers.

  • Can I use Pagecloud Popups on an external website?

    Pagecloud Popups can be used on any website! With just one line of code you can easily embed a Pagecloud Popup on your site.

Create websites and popups for free with Pagecloud website builder